Thursday 9 May 2013

childhood before 9yrs old.

I think I will start this blog and make sure I maintain it from now on. I have started a blog before but didn't maintain and forgotten the blog name now.

I am not very good at writing story but let me use this blog to write about a girl's life.

She was born in this family with sibling and parent but was stayed with the a baby sitter for a complet 9years. She did not see much of her family withing this 9years. Did she see them once a month? Or back to her 'HOME' once a month if not every week? She couldn't recall. She was suffering a complete lost of memory on her past. She doesn't recall much about this 'family' that she was born in. However, she remembered clearly that there was once she call her 'mother' who happen to visit her aunty. That is how her relationship with this family. To her, they are stranger.

She was happy than as she made her own family.She called her nanny mama, nanny's husband papa, their daughter sister. She live a normaly childhood without knowing what she will be facing in times to come.

She often prays that things will remain as it is. She never thought of going back to her 'HOME' even there are TV, fridge and much better condition than the little wooden cottage that she stays in. She doesn't understand the important of money even her papa and mama are poor. She has not go thru a day in hunger. She has no idea what is loneliness. She was happy. Nothing matter to her. She did not mind to grow up to be a clear or sales promoter in hypermarket. She did not know money and power is important. She was well taken care of.

They often mentioned that her parent tried to took her back when she was about 1. However, they have to return her to her mama as she refuse to eat and drink, not even ice-cream which is every child favorite. She only want her Papa, mama and chi chi back. So her 'father' had to send her back to her Mama.

Again, when she was 7. They said is time for her to go to primary and will be good for her to be back to her 'family'. She refused and her 'mother' knock her head to the wooden wall of her Mama's home. She didn't mind the pain at all. She was glad that she won the fight and stay back.

How much can a little girl do? She was con for a holiday when she was 9 and never get to see her papa, mama and chi chi again... At her tender age she knew that she was in a dungeon. She couldn't fought them. She was too weak so she accept silently. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye and get a farewell hug from her FAMILY that she loves.

She was a very timid and shy girl. She dare not go to washroom alone. She was scare of dark. She was a typical little village girl. However, she has a very strong will. She wants to survive to see her FAMILY that she spend her happy childhood again. So she force herself to be strong.

She survive till today but she is badly wounded.....

Her life after age 9???........

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