Monday 13 May 2013

An unappreciated Mother in Law

I have been 2 days that didn't update the blog.

I am still not happy with the mother day celebration. We had a early celebration on 11 May (Saturday)

I can't understand why seh doesnt help her own son? Her son's family is into financial planning, she didn't get from her own son but she got it from an outsider, her daughter's friend...Now she is so eager to promote for her friend. What will she earn? She doesn't love her son or she doesn't trust him?

What kind of mother in law I have? Took her out for mother day dinner, all she cares about was to help others do promotion while we are having the exact same products. On top of that, she complain on the dishes ordered before everything was served. All she cares was to ensure her precious grand-daugther's favorite food. All she cares is to be a nice old lady in front of her daughter's friend. All she cares was to be a nice woman in front of others. What a fake woman:(

13 May 2013

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